Our competitors

In a worldwide effort to reduce waste and improve the recycling habits of people, plenty of mobile applications have already been made by cities, associations or industry leaders. France is no exception, and YouSort will enter a very competitive market. Recycling mobile apps in France either provide content for the whole country (educational information and help), or are centred on smaller geographical areas (CAPA recyclage is dedicated to Corsica; TRI-MPM is for Marseilles’ urban community, and so on). YouSort will thus mainly compete with applications focused on Paris, as it will start in the capital first, but also with applications for the whole country - due to its possible growth in France, and to similar educational content.

Most of the applications that YouSort will compete with offer an educational and general content on recycling, often coupled with a localisation system mapping out useful places to do so. Their goal is usually to help confused users to know which materials are recyclable or not, to give them alternative and creative solutions for recycling, and to inform them of the location of nearby recycling centers or pick up points.

Thus, in the scale of the country, one of the more popular recycling app is Guide du tri 3.0 (CITEO), which provides useful and complete information such as the meaning of pictograms on the package, in which dustbin to throw your waste, what to recycle and so on. It’s an interactive and intuitive app that is also personalized (localization of centers closeby, possibility of users to point out problems and lack of information about a specific product in the map …). In addition, it provides users with national and regional informations on sorting and recycling thanks to a a “news wall” constantly updated. Triezfacile also offer similar services (informative help and localisation option),

Some other future competitors of YouSort in France are more focused on a specific category of products. Eco-Points for example, localizes pick up points for glass and plastic made products. La Fibre du Tri (EcoTLC) is the official application for clothes, shoes and textile pick-up points.

However, there aren’t many mobile app focused on Paris, even though most of the “country-wide” ones include the capital in their mapping system. Yet, the parisian town hall created Le Bon Tri for its citizens, which once again provides educational informations zooming on our everyday wastes. However, this application doesn’t seem to work very well and received plenty of bad reviews on the android store.